Category: Blog

Johannesburg Private Investigators | D&K Management Consultants

Defense Attorneys Require Private Investigators

In my opinion, one of the finest and certainly most entertaining law shows to ever hit our television screens was the American law firm show, “Boston Legal”. To me, what set this show apart from all its competitors was the intense friendship and understanding of the show’s two lead characters; Denny Crane played by Mr. […]

Johannesburg Private Investigators | D&K Management Consultants

Can I Shoot?

A couple of weeks ago a church goer shot and killed two armed robbers in a church, mid service. Almost immediately the debate about whether his actions were legal and justified began. At this point allow me to say that – based on my understanding of the law and as a legally licensed gun carrier […]

Johannesburg Private Investigators | D&K Management Consultants

Help!! We Have a Strike but No Strike Contingency Plan

It starts with the rhythmic stomping of boots and tekkies pounding to the beat of 1, 1 2, 1, 1 2… sticks, golf clubs and rocks are waved above the heads of the strikers. The crowd chants softly, but slowly builds the crescendo, getting louder and louder. Each beat rises like a rolling thunder, becoming […]

Johannesburg Private Investigators | D&K Management Consultants

Russian Roulette AKA Trust

We live in interesting times. Such a nice way of saying “the world is a mess”. My faith in humanity has become as worn down as Ron Jeremy’s bed springs; and the more I hear the word “woke”, the more the option of permanent self-isolation appeals to me (perhaps with Ron… that man has some […]

Johannesburg Private Investigators | D&K Management Consultants

Influencer or Influenced?

Nobody that I know enjoys languishing in obscurity in their profession. Unless you’re on the FBI’s 10 most wanted list, why would you? Now here’s your firsts question answered… “Why is Kyle Condon – a forensic business crime investigator and consulting specialist – talking to me about the importance of being an influencer?” The answer […]

Johannesburg Private Investigators | D&K Management Consultants

Court Rules an Employee Attacked at Work Can Sue Her Employer

‘On the facts of this case, the assault took on racial and gendered overtones’ – Judge Wallis. This article was originally produced by Tania Broughton from Moneyweb. A former senior manager in the office of the Mpumalanga Premier has been given judicial authority to sue her former boss for damages for physical and psychological injuries she […]

Johannesburg Private Investigators | D&K Management Consultants

Mistakes to Avoid When Investigating Losses in Your Business

Finding out that you have dishonest individuals working in your company will evoke a series of natural emotions. Ultimately, it’s a discovery of betrayal, and that hurts business owners and colleagues to the core. After all, when you discover criminal behaviour conducted by people you trusted, looked after and – in many cases – know their families, it […]

Johannesburg Private Investigators | D&K Management Consultants

Dismissal on Suspicion is Unlawful, Says CCMA

Company ordered to pay security guard 12 months wages plus interest. This article was originally produced by Tania Broughton from Moneyweb. The guard’s site manager believed Mlangeni to be an honest person and that the other guard who failed the test was in fact the culprit. The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration has found that […]

Johannesburg Private Investigators | D&K Management Consultants

Five Ways Undercover Investigators Can Transform Your Business

With so many security companies and products out there, it can be exceedingly difficult to decide what strategy and approach is going to work best to curb your internal thefts and losses. Before spending your security budget on the usual security guards and cameras, consider the benefits of actually getting inside information from well-placed professional Undercover […]