“If we wanted to be the elite, the go-to company for risk management and specialist services, we needed the best.”
Building our company around the needs of business owners and individuals who will often require specialist clandestine and “out of the box” services required extensive talent acquisition. Due to the unbundling of many of the special government operations units in the period between 1994 – 2005, an influx of highly trained and disciplined operatives found themselves unemployed.
Their array of specialist elite skills was noted by both Declan and Kyle Condon, who set about bringing these specialist operatives into the D&K family.
There is no argument that in a country so ravished by crime and violence, well-trained experts were going to be needed. This move was a master stroke and has proven time and again how significant these appointments were.
As a firm providing private investigations and related services, our clients soon learnt that there is very little that we cannot do given the opportunity. Furthermore, many of these specialist operatives’ skills dovetail with not only private investigations but also with our mission objectives to protect clients from various risks.
“If we wanted to be the elite, the go-to company for risk management and specialist services, we needed the best.” Just as people associate NASA with space exploration or Africa with wild animals, D&K Management Consultants is associated with professional private investigation and specialised services.

Our specialist services include:
- Surveillance
- VIP protection and bodyguard services
- Polygraph tests
- Strike protection
- TSCM (sweeping and debugging) services
- Mobile phone data extraction
- Computer monitoring
- Competitor intelligence services
- Risk and security evaluation surveys
- Site security managers
- Covert camera and audio recording installation and monitoring
- Test purchasing/controlled buys to gather evidence
- VIP protection and bodyguard services